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Whose side do you want us on?

Apparently, businesspeople are afraid of us.

The recognition of our litigation group reflects our thoughtful, thorough, and (yes) aggressive work to vindicate our clients' interests. All of our litigators, regardless of specialty, share a passion for advocacy, and that passion translates into results.

Businesses do not like to see us on the other side because they know that they will have their hands full. In contrast, our clients know that they can trust us with their most significant problems and that we will work tirelessly on their behalf.  

Goulston & Storrs, an Am Law 200 firm, is pleased to announce that it was named an "Intimidating Opponent" on BTI Consulting's 2023 list of the "Most Feared Law Firms in Litigation." Goulston & Storrs was one of 46 law firms to make this year's list of firms that top legal decision makers do not want to see on the other side of the table in litigation. This is the second year in a row that the firm has been named to this prestigious lis


litigation, results