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SABA North America Annual Conference – in Boston!

As a South Asian Bar Association (SABA) Greater Boston board member, I am excited to join my Goulston & Storrs colleagues, Mitali Biswas, Muryum Khalid, Kiman Kaur, and Rajinder Saini, at the South Asian Bar Association North America Annual Conference at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel this weekend for The Next Revolution! As our first sold-out conference -- it promises to be a rewarding networking and learning experience.

The conference will discuss substantive topics such as a panel on Unpacking SCOTUS 2023 and the Intersection of Privacy and Civil Rights: A Discussion for Practitioners and Advocates. It will also explore skill sets such as Strategies for Cross-Cultural Mentoring Relationships. 

SABA seeks to strengthen the rapidly growing Asian legal community with a recognized and trusted forum for professional growth and development while promoting the civil rights and access to justice for the South Asian community.

If you're interested in learning more about the conference or SABA in general, I encourage you to click here.  

With 29 chapters throughout the United States and Canada, our attorneys work in all areas of the law, including large law firms, in-house counsel, government attorneys, and solo practitioners. Our bar hosts an Annual Conference, annual Lobby Day and numerous other successful programs throughout the year. SABA North America is proud to be the voice of the South Asian legal community in North America.


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