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ICSC Law 2023 - Positive Trends in Retail Infuse the Conference

Approximately 1,200 people attended the 53rd ICSC Law Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. With attendance approaching pre-Covid numbers, it was an amazing opportunity to connect with so many industry leaders.  

The event kicked off with a lively discussion about the state of retail, including data that indicated positive trends in retailers and the overall strength of the market notwithstanding increased interest rates, supply chain delays, and past and impending retailer bankruptcies.  

The Welcome Reception took on a new appearance this year, and attendees ate casually at tables, danced to music played by a full band, and socialized for several hours. This format facilitated more networking time in a relaxed and fun environment. 

Several additional changes were introduced this year, which enhanced the quality of the overall conference. New session formats, such as mock negotiation, fireside chats, and core concepts, allowed for more interaction between speakers and participants. And shorter session times (from 75 to 60 minutes) created additional sessions and opportunities for CLE specialty credits around ethics, bias elimination/diversity and inclusion, and professionalism to name a few. The quality of the programming was spectacular and complementary across a range of topics, including Assignment and Rent Commencement, How to Draft to Avoid Litigation, Real Estate Finance, Common Area Uses, and Carbon Emissions. Goulston & Storrs had a strong presence throughout these programs with presentations led by attorneys Jennifer Jones, Derek Domian, Paige Manning, Jennifer Rogers, and Suzanne Villee. 

The Keynote – Understanding the Other Side’s Problem - Why it Matters in Negotiation –presented by Gillien Todd, a Harvard Law School professor, was spectacular! It was interactive and generated meaningful discussion during the luncheon and beyond on strategies and best practices to ensure both sides can achieve mutual goals. 

Along with David Rabinowitz and Nancy Davids, I am a member of the Planning Committee for the ICSC Law Conference, which provides a unique behind-the-scenes view of the conference. Participant feedback on this year's successful conference has been positive and planning for the 2024 conference has already begun. We look forward to that event in Orlando next October.



real estate, retail restaurant & consumer, retail leasing, retail law advisor blog, industry