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City-owned lots on Harrison Ave. in Roxbury could soon be big housing complex

The Wu administration's push to transform city-owned parking lots into affordable housing has attracted developers across neighborhoods like Charlestown and Chinatown. Now, their focus is on a 4.5-acre asphalt area near Boston Medical Center in Roxbury. This space, once part of a vibrant urban landscape, is currently occupied by parking lots controlled by the Boston Water and Sewer Commission. The administration aims to revitalize this area by encouraging developers to propose mixed-use buildings with affordable housing, retail, and services on the ground floor, along with open space.

What will development look like in this area, and how will it benefit the City of Boston by tying together Roxbury and the South End? 

Attorney Matthew Kiefer shares his thoughts in this Boston Globe article. 

It certainly has a higher and better use than parking lots. . . . That gap between the South End and Roxbury, having that get filled in, would be a good thing.


real estate, article, development land use & zoning, affordable housing & economic development, multifamily, retail restaurant & consumer, build-to-rent and single-family-rental housing, senior housing, construction, retail leasing