12/12/2024 2:47:32 PM Top 10 Legal Malpractice Defenses As Claims Tick Up By Richard Zielinski Jennifer Mikels Attorneys Richard Zielinski and Jennifer Mikels, writing for Law360, detail ten key defenses law firms can use to effectively combat...
7/11/2023 8:50:00 PM The Perils of Informal, Online Communications By Goulston & Storrs Nordo Nissi, Head of Electronic Discovery and Litigation Technology at Goulston & Storrs, recently sat with the Corporate Counsel...
10/31/2022 7:30:00 PM "Let's Get 'Phygital'": How the Collision of Physical and Digital Commerce Compels the End of the Nexus Standard in ADA Adjudication By Michele Astor-Pratt As COVID-19 rapidly spread across the globe in early 2020, nations closed their borders and ordered citizens to stay at home to minimize...
4/29/2022 7:27:00 PM There's No Place Like Dot-Com: Are Websites Places of Public Accommodation Under Title III of the ADA? By Michele Astor-Pratt On April 7, 2021, in Gil v. Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that websites are not places...
2/22/2022 5:00:00 PM The Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine In Employment Litigation: Two Perspectives By Josh Davis Andrew O'Connor Imagine this scenario: A Chief Marketing Officer develops a strategic marketing plan for employer X then resigns to join a direct...