11/21/2023 4:13:08 PM Women Hold Up Half the Sky By Goulston & Storrs I recently had the privilege of delivering opening remarks to Project 2.8 at Columbia University, my alma mater. Project 2.8 is a startup...
5/24/2023 5:14:33 PM G&S Reflections: What Does Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Mean to Rajinder Saini? By Rajinder Saini I am a South Asian American, and I embrace my culture and ethnicity openly and proudly. Every year during Asian American and Pacific...
6/21/2022 3:05:00 PM G&S Reflections: What Does Pride Month mean to Brian Carrozza? By Brian Carrozza Pride is our community’s response to the closet, our response to shame. Many LGBTQ+ people grow up with the feeling, experience, or...
6/14/2022 3:07:00 PM G&S Reflections: What Does Pride Month mean to Meghan Hottel-Cox? By Goulston & Storrs Every year during Pride, I feel a deep sense of gratitude. Gratitude for those who paved the way to today, who endured the ostracizing,...
5/23/2022 3:36:00 PM G&S Reflections: What Does Jewish American History Month mean to Noam Gilboord of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York? By Goulston & Storrs Goulston & Storrs has proudly provided pro bono legal services since 1900, taking on numerous causes that make our communities and our...
3/30/2022 3:46:00 PM G&S Reflections: What does Women’s History Month mean to Channing Kelly? By Goulston & Storrs There have been 115 Supreme Court justices in history. Zero have been Black women. As we wrap up Women’s History Month, it’s only fitting...
3/28/2022 3:48:00 PM G&S Reflections: What does Women’s History Month mean to Jaclyn Grodin? By Jaclyn Grodin Throughout my career, I’ve been lucky enough to sit alongside some truly supportive, fearless, brilliant, and talented mentors, starting...
2/8/2022 5:09:00 PM G&S Reflections: What does Black History Month mean to Ayeshah Johnson? By Ayeshah Johnson When I think about Black History Month, I keep it positive, taking time to reflect on the amazing resilience and beauty of my people. I...